Friday, September 24, 2010


finally- a few pics from our travels. We're currently in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), and will leave the city tomorrow for some extensive traveling in the north of the country.  We're looking forward to leaving Addis: smog, traffic, sidewalk chaos, and not much in the way of sights to see.  Though we did enjoy the Ethiopian National Museum, and we are loving the cafe culture-- coffee is amazing, pastries are delicious, and food in general is really great.  Oh, and the cost is cheap: coffee for like 25 cents and a fancy lunch for 2-3 bucks. Beers: about 75 cents.  

For the first time since June 2008, we're in the Northern Hemisphere. 

A cuddly 500-pound kitty we saw along the roadside in Kenya's Maasai Mara National Park.

downtown Mombasa waterfront from the Old Town District's Fort Jesus.

Stone Town, Zanzibar: beautiful doors & alleyways, fascinating people, great street food.

Pangane, a tiny fishing village in N. Mozambique. stayed a few days, could've stayed a few weeks.

The view from our dhow, island-hopping through Mozambique's Quirimbas Archipelago.

Tim atop a giant termite mound on the island of Ibo, Mozambique.

Jamie and Jason checking the trusty Moz guidebook on Ilha de Mozambique.

1 comment:

foxtail pine said...

Love the picts guys! OH MAN, looks like you had no trouble spotting lions this time... =jealousy