Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our journey by the numbers

We're in the airport here in Siem Reap, Cambodia, about to board a plane and begin the final leg of our long journey home. After a daylong stopover in Seoul, Korea, we'll arrive in Seattle on Dec. 15th-- first time on American soil since we left for Swaziland back in June 2008. Are we excited? yes, very. Are we a little nervous? yep. Tired? uh huh.

Anyway, it hasn't been easy to update this blog since leaving Ethiopia, and I'm not prepared to attempt any narrative summary of travels-past at this late stage, so I'll not try. After all, we'll soon be seeing everyone in person. So instead, here's a numerical summary; a by-the-numbers look at our trip from Swaziland to this airport in Cambodia... we had some time on our hands while riding a bus yesterday and started counting things.

# of days on the road: 130
# of countries: 12 (including Korea; not including Bahrain 'cause we never left the airport)
# of different motels/guesthouses/hostels: 47
# of different campsites: 11
# of train rides: 6
# of boat rides: 19
# of (large) bus rides: 26
# of motorcycle rides: 2
# of taxi rides (we always try to avoid): 18
# of bicycle-rental days: 5
# of plane rides: 7 (including the 2 we're about to take)
# of packages mailed back to the USA: 8
# of times we got sick (combined): 6
# of sunglasses lost/broken: 5
# of islands visited: 16
# of bribes paid: 0
# of books read: 12 (6 each)
# of Hollywood movies viewed (in theater): 3
Gigabytes of photos taken: about 20
# of bottled-waters purchased (we always try to avoid): 1
# of transports shared with vomiting passengers: 5
# of times the vomiting passenger was one of us: 1

See you all very soon!!


erica said...

Were all the vomit accompanied rides in Ethiopia?

How is home?

Congrats on only buying one bottle of water. We ended up with 100% more water purchases.

Miss you both!

foxtail pine said...

Loved this list!! SOOO excited to see you guys this weekend!

At first I thought you said you only took 20 pictures and my heart stopped. (whew)