Saturday, June 21, 2008

Greetings from...

Greetings from... Illinois.

We haven't left the States just yet, but our departure is imminent. On Monday morning we'll get on the plane here in Moline and fly all the way to the distant and exotic city of... Philadelphia. Apparently, we need some brotherly love and a cheese steak before leaving the country.

After a 2-day Peace Corps staging event in Philly we'll board another plane-- the plane we've been waiting to board-- and about 18 hours later we'll be in Johannesburg. Not quite Swaziland, but close enough to catch a bus there. A 4-hour bus ride, in fact, from J-burg to our first actual Swazi destination: Mbabane. That's the capital city. We'll get there on Friday, June 27th, stay a few days, then move to the town of Nhlangano, where the Peace Corps has a training center-- and where we'll (finally) be able to unpack and stay a while. On the Fourth of July we'll move in with a host family in/around Nhlangano and begin the first stage of our 3-month training. Once that's done, we'll move to our permanent site, to be determined.

So next weekend we'll be in Swaziland and beginning our Pre-Service Training (PST-- the first of many, many acronyms to come), and we're pretty excited. Philly and J-Burg and Mbabane and Nhlangano here we come.

Quick aside: we went to a Spanish For 100 show last Thursday night in Chicago, and it was awesome. Thanks Corey, Ross, Chris and Aaron for a great time. Say hello to Seattle for us when you get back home.

Sala kahle! (that's goodbye in siSwati.)

tim & jamie


Juvisy-Texas said...

Hi Tim,
It's good to have some news from you. Well, I don't make the difference beetween the mailing address and the physical address, "for courier service"... ?
Have a good trip, and be careful in Africa...
Hope you will often feed your blog.
See you.
Gabe (Paris, France)

Federico R. Waitoller said...

Thanks for building this blog.
We are exiting for both of you and can't wait to hear about your adventures.
though you may be interested to know that when I told m mom that you guys were going to Swaziland, she have not stop worrying about you and asking me about you. She say, "poor things... they are going to the mouth of the wolf". She say she prays for you everyday (it's a catholic god, I don't know if that counts for 'Mericans.
Well hope you have a great stay...
