Wednesday, August 27, 2008

care package possibilities

Sorry about not posting any photos yet... the internet connections in Swaziland are dial-up and we rarely even get online at all. We're working on it...

Anyway, We’ve been compiling a list of possible “care package” items. Many of you have been kind enough to inquire about what we’d like to receive in the mail, so here’s a list of ideas.

Real coffee (ground, as we have no grinder)


Any DVDs (movies, shows, whatever)

Cds full of music- and blank ones are good too


a world map

anything at all from Trader Joe’s— we miss it!

Crystal Light packets


Travel mugs for coffee/tea

Tom’s of Maine toothpaste

Febreeze (a little goes a long ways here)

US magazines—Harpers, Atlantic Monthly, whatever’s interesting and current.

Books are always great to get, but their weight makes them spendy to ship.

Crossword puzzles


This is just a wish list. Don’t feel obligated to send stuff—having sent ourselves a few packages, we know what it costs. We’re quite happy to get a letter or just to see messages in our email inboxes from time to time, and we thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers for us. We’re happy and healthy-- Siyajabula kuba eSwatini! (we are happy to be in Swaziland).


Marcia said...

hi jamies! i finally caught up on your blog, and will be bookmarking it so i can find it easier! it sounds like you are doing well and i'm very excited for you. best wishes as you start the next step as workers!

wondering if the addresses on your blog will be the same when you move or if they will be changing soon. want to be sure things get sent to the right place!

much love and prayers...marcia

Ln and Greg said...

i was also wondering if you had to go to Mbabane to get your mail ? if so how often will you be going ?
hope you are doing good, thinking of you,