Wednesday, August 27, 2008

training is over

We are here in the capital city of Mbabane for the official PC Volunteer swearing-in ceremony, which will take place tomorrow at the US Ambassador’s residence. All 35 of us are staying at a nearby center and it’ll be the last time we’re together in one place for a long, long time: on Friday we’re driven to our permanent sites and dropped off. End of training.

We now speak baby-siSwati and are quite ready to get on with life as full-fledged volunteers (up until now we’ve been Trainees).

Our access to the internet has been pretty bad, but that situation could improve. We’re going to reduce the size of our pics in hopes that we can upload them onto this page—oh the joys of dial-up connections. The nearest internet cafe from Zombodze in Nhlangano, and we'll try to make a regular habit of checking in and saying hi.

Anyway, we are healthy and happy and hope that everyone back home is, too. Our access to US news is spotty but we know the basics and that’ll have to suffice for now. I’m working on getting a new (and much better) shortwave radio, because it’s possible to get VOA and BBC in Zombodze. I’m past the initial stages of information-withdrawal, which were marked by night chills, hand tremors, and hair pulling, and I’m learning to cope with not knowing about things until days (and days) after they happen.

I (he-j) have a confession to make: I lost our brand new iPod. It was taken from the seat-pouch of a bus we were riding-- I left it in there and by the time i remembered, it was too late. no more iPod. So a fellow PCV has kindly loaned us her extra one for the time bieng (thanks, Allie). Time to find out if that property insurance is any good...

We miss our friends and family and think about you often-- especially our pregnant friends! Congratulations to Shawn and Freya on their new Baby boy (thanks for the update, Christi).

Sidzinga kuya nyalo-- salani kahle, nemngani na umndeni! (we need to go now-- goodbye/stay well friends and family!)


Unknown said...

Wow, Where are you from and One who is chosen! Glad to hear you've knocked off the training wheels and are loving it. Zombodze sounds like a great place for you guys.

Sarah said...

Nora and I were just talking about you the other day, and I reassured her that the lag in posting comments was most likely due to poor internet access vs a kidnapping. Congrats on 'graduating' and moving on! Sorry to hear about the Ipod! Good luck settling into your new site, now that you are full fledged PCVs! Sarah

Juvisy-Texas said...

Hi, Where are you from and One who is chosen ! What beautiful names. Zombodze seems to be a good place to me.
My wife is pregnant, we are waiting for a new baby. He or she should be here on February.
"Where are you from" is a good name and it is going very well to your character, if I well remember. It means that always you ask questions, always you need to know, always you keep interest to the people you meet. In a other and your African name ask a existential question : Where are you from ?
It is difficult to answer this question. Each time you hear your name, you'll have to remember where you are from. Where you come from.
If everybody would think to this question and try to answer it, maybe there will be more peace in the world.
What a peaceful name, Jamie Boy.
You have to be proud of your name. The African know better than anyone about human being...

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for posting this new information! You're not the only one suffering from an info deficit - at least when it comes to family. I look forward to reading through it all. Thanks again!

Unknown said...

Wanted you to know we're leaving on vacation this week. Headed to Lake Tahoe until 9/16. We haven't been back in 15 years, since our wedding - the memories were just to good to mess with! We're looking foward to catching up on your great info on the way down (driving). I'll check in when we get back. Love you both!

Kim Carey said...

Hi Jamies- This is Kim (from the India trip). I'm excited for you and your peace corps adventures! I remember the feeling of relief when the "t" finally turned to a "v" and we were actually PCV's! Anyway- wanted to let you know that I'm almost your neighbor. I'm working at the American International School of Mozambique and live in a nice little house in Maputo, one block from the beach, and in a compound with our own swimming pool and tennis court. (Also have a washing machine and internet... luxuries for PCV's!) If you ever need a break from the rural life or want to check out Maputo, you're welcome to crash at my place anytime. Take care and good luck!!